
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Review: Seriously... I'm Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres

Author: Ellen DeGeneres
Genre/Audience: Humor, memoir, adult        
Publication: 2011
Source: Library

I love Ellen. I think she's hilarious, original, and unafraid to be herself. This memoir, her third, proves all of those things. I haven't read her other two memoirs, but I certainly plan on it.

I'll admit, some of the chapters were a little silly and pointless, but in its entirety, this book was funny, lighthearted, and entertaining. I was literally laughing out loud by page two... where Ellen claims her pen name is Danielle Steel. Bahaha. I was cracking up. Meanwhile, my boyfriend, a non-reader (yes, the horror!) had no idea who Danielle Steel was! Aaaanyways... now that I think about it, I was actually laughing when I first picked it up and was reading the back of the book. For real, next time you're in the store and you see this book, just pick it up and read the back.

I've seen some bad reviews of this book, criticizing said pointless chapters and such, but honestly? Just look at the title of the book... Seriously... I'm Kidding. This book isn't meant to be taken seriously, it's for fun, so lighten up, you Negative Nancy's!

Moving on!

I don't get to watch Ellen's show very often, but if I was retired, I would most likely watch it every day. My point is, even if you don't watch her show, this is an excellent book to read if you like Ellen at all, and or just want a funny, positive book to read. It delves a little bit into her personal life, but not much. One day, I'd like to read a more personal memoir by Ellen, but for now, I'm enjoying laughing my butt off at her humorous essays, anecdotes, and ramblings.

My Rating: 4/5


  1. Love the review Steph and you had me laugh out loud also. I would totally watch this every day also if I could. When I am home this is the day show I look forward to.

    Ellen is the best. I want to read one of her books for sure.

    You did a great job with this one.

  2. Enjoyed your review! I read one of Ellen's other books and she writes light, fun reads. She seems like a genuinely nice, funny person, so don't understand all the Negative Nancys complaining about the book. It's a humor book by a comedian, so what do they expect?

  3. I love Ellen! I loved your review.

  4. I think that anyone looking to this book to be anything more than just lighthearted fun is just silly! She is a fun person so I bet her books are fun too.

  5. Aww, I'll have to read this. I seem to be on a women-in-entertainment memoir kick this year (read Tina Fey's and Kristin Chenoweth's, so what's one more?)

  6. Another book for my list. I read "Bossypants" this summer and enjoyed it, and also want to read Betty White's latest as well.

  7. I'll have to read the back. I am not really an Ellen fan because I haven't seen much of her, but I love funny so I might pick this one up. Great review Steph :)

  8. I love your review. I've read the negative reviews as well, so I'm happy to see how much you enjoyed it for the lighthearted humor. I'd definitely like to read it now.

  9. Hi Steph - my review for this one goes up today.... unfortunately, didnt like it as much as you, wish I had :)

  10. I have never read such pointless nonsense! It was only published because Ellen wrote it, sertainly not for content and the stand up humor hardly translates. Pathetic waste of paper and a wasted opportunity for a real author.
