Title: Angel Face: The Real Story of Student Killer Amanda Knox
Author: Barbie Latza Nadeau
Genre/Audience: True crime, nonfiction, adult
Publication: Beast Books, 2010
Source: Library
Author: Barbie Latza Nadeau
Genre/Audience: True crime, nonfiction, adult
Publication: Beast Books, 2010
Source: Library
I was interested in knowing more about the Amanda Knox case. All I knew was that she was an American girl accused of killing a fellow exchange student in Italy. This book gave the absolute bare bones of the case - dates, location, names - but other than that, this book was not all that informative nor was it well written. The author is self-indulgent and talks often about herself, even though she was not involved in this case except for being a journalist and writing about it. Also, she included way too many details about insignificant things, such as naming everyone involved in the case including all lawyers and people in the court room. She kept bringing up names and I would have no idea who she was talking about. While she included all these unnecessary details, she didn't include enough details about the important things like um... what was the evidence against Amanda? What was the potential motive(s)? These are the most important things in a true crime book and I feel like I didn't get that information at all. While I do believe that Amanda was guilty, this book still seemed quite bias, like the author had an ax to grind and included more opinion than fact which is never good in non-fiction.
All in all, this book was okay for giving the very basic information, but kind of left me confused by the end, rather than more informed. I'm going to read another book about the case called The Fatal Gift of Beauty and hope that it's better!
My Rating: 2/5
I might be interested in reading more about this case, but given your comments, I will skip this one. I'll be interested to see if you think The Fatal Gift is better.